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Camp Arrival & Check-In

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

When you arrive at camp (2– 5 pm), go to the Mathena Event Center (MEC) to check in. Check-in is closed from 5–6 pm. After 6 pm & for the remainder of the Camp, check-in will be located in the MEC.

At check-in, you can expect to:

  • Turn in your fees & background checks

  • Pick up information regarding Encourager and Usher Training, Recreation, Swimming, and other Special Information

  • Sign up your sponsors for Ushering, Encouraging, MissionFest, and Recreation

  • Receive wristbands & car tags for each sponsor & camper that needs to be labeled with the Name, Church, and Cabin. Car tags are given for each person in your cabin that drove, and must be placed in each car.


  1. Printed background checks for anyone in your church delegation over 18, in alphabetical order.

  2. Cash or Check for the full amount owed for all your church's campers & sponsors; your total is listed in your My Camps dashboard in the ACC camp app.

    1. The 2024 camp fee is $55.00 for each person in your cabin (including all campers, cooks, & sponsors) for Oklahoman SBC churches, or $70.00 per person for out of state SBC Churches. Fees for camp should be paid directly to your church by campers / sponsors, and then your church will make one payment for the entire delegation upon check-in to camp. PLEASE NOTE: we only accept fee payment in the form of cash or check; no credit cards or other form of digital payments are accepted. Checks must be made out to ACC, not Falls Creek!


If you have any additional questions regarding any aspect of Associational Children’s Camp or would like to offer input, please call or email either:

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